SpaGuard® Enhanced Shock

Categories : Hot Tub Chemicals

Brand: SpaGuard

SKU: BIO42621

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SpaGuard® Enhanced Shock : Product Information

  • 58.2% sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione
  • pH~5.0
  • Restores water sparkle
  • Removes unpleasant odors
  • Multipurpose shock
  • Can be used in chlorinated or brominated spas and those using ozone or ionization systems
  • Not available in California

Directions For Use

  1. Apply 1.5 ounces per 500 gallons of water.
  2. Apply product when spa is not in use.
  3. With pump in operation apply entire treatment dosage at one time. Broadcast across water’s surface.
  4. Do not allow undissolved material to lie in contact with bleachable surfaces.
  5. Do not apply through a skimmer or automatic dispensing device.
  6. Add weekly as maintenance or more frequently after periods of heavy spa usage, significant rainfall or the appearance of cloudy water.
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