BioGuard Mineral Springs Convert is the necessary first step in converting your saltwater pool into a Mineral Springs pool, which uses a unique blend of minerals to give your pool softer, more comfortable water quality. These minerals naturally sanitize your pool water while drastically reducing the need for chlorine, virtually eliminating chemical odors and swimmer irritation. Simply add this product to your pool and allow it to work in your pool for 24 hours, then follow it up with Mineral Springs Stain and Scale to complete your pool conversion. Mineral Springs Convert's formula also contains SunShield, which protects your systems chlorine from being broken down due to sun exposure. This will allow your chlorine generators to run less, extending their operational life. After converting to the Mineral Springs System, your pool water will look and feel better than you could ever imagine, while needing only weekly treatments of Renewal to keep it that way. The Mineral Springs System is a product of BioGuard, an industry leader in pool products for over forty years, allowing you to buy with confidence.
8.9 lb per 10,000 gallons of water.